Friday, November 30, 2007

Rough Collies

The rough collie is a big dog breed. They have fuzzy hair. It can be brown, black, and goldish-brown. Their ears are pointy, like chihuahuas. They have long legs. They are very nice to everyone they meet. "Lassie" became a popular dog in the TV show, "Lassie."

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Beagles are very sweet dogs. They are good

with children. If you want a dog and have

many children, get a beagle. Beagles are good

listeners. They are medium sized dogs, and eat

3 servings of food a day. They like to run around and play, so, they need lots of fresh water every day. Get a beagle, and have fun8')

Friday, June 30, 2006


Training your dogs is hard. So, you should get info on doing it by going to and look up "dog trainer contacts". You will probably find phone#'s to call and get your dog trained like a champ!!!!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

My First Nintendog

My first nintendog's name is Lizz. He is a Dachshund. He loves to eat Natural Dog Food Bag. He drinks lots of milk and water. Lizz gos for

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Labradors are big dogs that live in the eastern states of the U.S. They can be black,chocolate brown,golden or baige. Labradors are dogs that have soft, smooth and short hair. These dogs are very sweet dogs. I really like this dog breed!!!!

My Dog

My dog's name is Princess. She is a chihuahua. She weighs about 3.5lbs. I love to take her outside for walks. She also likes playing with, bones, squeaky toys, and tennis balls. She is a fawn color and is 1 foot long. Princess loves to lick people on their lips. She gives little bites when she is angry. Princess is a very energetic puppy. She's the cutest puppy I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!